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ISO Certifications and the European Environment Agency

At Ragmet Raffineria, our commitment to quality, responsibility, and environmental protection is more than just a promise; it is certified through a stringent set of international standards and recognitions. By adopting these standards, we ensure that we operate at the highest level of efficiency, ethics, and responsibility.

  • ISO Certified 9001 2015

ISO 9001:2015 is the latest edition of the globally recognized ISO 9001 quality management standard. It defines the requirements for a quality management system in organizations and focuses on continuous improvement, customer satisfaction, and management engagement.


For Ragmet Raffineria, this certification:

  • Affirms our commitment: Demonstrates our ongoing commitment to delivering quality products and services, meeting or exceeding our customers' expectations.
  • Continuous improvement: Promotes a culture of continuous improvement within the organization, ensuring that we adapt and innovate according to the changing demands of the industry and our clients.
  • External validation: The ISO 9001:2015 certification provides external validation that our processes and products meet the highest quality standard.


  • ISO Certified 0333 2015

The ISO 0333:2015 standard specifically addresses the field of waste recycling and management. It sets the requirements for implementing an efficient and responsible waste management system.


Having the ISO 0333:2015 certification:

  • Responsibility and sustainability: Highlights our deep commitment to sustainable and responsible recycling practices.
  • Efficient waste management: Ensures that we have robust systems for the efficient and ethical management of waste and recyclable materials.
  • Reducing environmental impact: The certification emphasizes our efforts to minimize the impact of our operations on the environment.
  • European Environment Agency

Collaborating with the European Environment Agency allows us to align with the best practices and European directives on environmental protection. This is not just a recognition but a commitment to work closely with European bodies to ensure a greener and more sustainable future.


Being associated with the European Environment Agency:

  • Deep understanding: Provides us with a deep understanding of current and future ecological trends and challenges at the European level.
  • Active collaboration: Facilitates active collaboration with other European organizations to achieve common environmental goals.
  • Strict standards: Ensures that we adhere to the strictest standards and recommendations in the field of environmental protection.

Our certifications and affiliations attest to our dedication to operate in a way that not only respects but even exceeds international standards of excellence, ethics, and responsibility. At Ragmet Raffineria, we take pride in these recognitions and continue to commit to excellence every day.

Discover the two Ragmet Raffineria locations.

Sos. Centurii Nr. 5-7
Bragadiru, jud. Ilfov
Str. Cantonului 30 C
Cluj Napoca, jud. Cluj